
The Law of Belief

The Law of Belie: '' Whatever you truly believe, with feeling, becomes your reality.''
This law says that you always act in a manner consistent with your beliefs, especially your beliefs about yourself. Your beliefs act like a set of filters that screen out information that is inconsistent with them. You do not necessarily believe what you see but rather you see what you already believe. You reject information that contradicts what you have already decided to believe, whether or not your beliefs, your prejudices, are based on fact or fantasy. This is especially true with regard to money.

The best belief that you can develop within yourself is that you are destined to be a big success financially. When you are absolutely convincethat you are a financial success in the making, you will engage in the behaviors that will make it come true.

The worst beliefs you can have are Self limiting beliefs. These exist  whenever you believe yourself to be limited in some way.

The fact is that no one is better than you are and no one is smarter than you are. If someone else is doing better, it is largely because he has developed his natural talents and abilities more than you have. He has learned the laws of cause and effect that apply to his life and finances before yohave. But anything anyone else has done, within reason, you can probably do as well. You just need to learn how.

What one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you coulnot fail? If you had no limitations, if you had all the time, money, talent, skills and contacts you could ever want, what would you want to do or be or have in your life?

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